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Bamford Village Institute

Standard Conditions of Hire and Use


The following Conditions of Hire and Use apply to all the Bamford Village Institute facilities, including meeting rooms, kitchens and car park. If you are in any doubt as to the meaning of any of these Conditions, you must seek clarification from us without delay.


1.Hire of Any Part of Bamford Village Institute (BVI). Agreement to the Standard Conditions of Hire and Use is required before any booking will be considered. The Hirer agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions which must be confirmed when completing the booking form.


2.The Minimum age of any Hirer of these facilities is 18 years of age and you will be responsible for being in charge of the facilities at all times during the period of hire and for ensuring that all Standard Conditions under this Agreement relating to the management and supervision of the premises are met.


3.The Hirer is the person responsible during the period of hire, for the care and supervision of the premises, the fabric and the contents, damage however slight or change of any sort.

3.1 The safety of users .

3.2.The supervision, actions and behaviour of any member of any person or persons associated with the booking.

3.3.Car parking arrangements during the time of the booking.


4. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that the facilities are suitable for use by any person in their group and that persons with restricted ability have supervision as required.


5. You must comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Local Authority, the Licencing Authority, and any Fire Risk assessment and in particular in connection with any event which constitutes regulated entertainment, at which alcohol is sold or provided or is attended by children.


6. Safeguarding. You must ensure that any activities for children, young people and vulnerable adults are only provided by fit and proper persons in connection with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation. Hirers must first confirm to the Booking Secretary that they have in place a ‘Vulnerable Persons Policy’


7. Hire for Private Parties arranged for invited friends and family are exempt from requiring a vulnerable person’s policy but must adhere to procedures regarding safeguarding and public health and safety.


8. Fire Hazards. Flammable liquids, candles, or any other appliance with a naked flame are strictly forbidden in the hall. An exception to this is candles on birthday cakes; the Hirer shall ensure that the cake is not situated beneath a smoke detector and that the candles have been properly extinguished after use. No fireworks, fountains or sparklers shall be brought on to any part of the premises including the car park..


9. Electrical Safety. The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the premises and used there shall be safe and in good working order, and used in a safe manner.


10. Hirers making use of electrical equipment provided by the Institute are responsible for the safe use and care and should take time to read the instructions provided.


11. Any failure of equipment belonging to Bamford Village Institute must be reported to the Management Committee as soon as possible.



12. Provision of Wi-fi Internet Connection. Wi-fi is provided free of charge to hirers. The Hirer may not use the Wi-Fi for any of the following purposes:

•disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breaching any laws

•transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice

•interfering with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Wi-Fi service

•making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of material protected by copyright without permission of the owner

•keep any user name, password, or any other information which forms part of the Wi-Fi service security procedure confidential and not to disclose it to any third party.


13. Dates and Times of Use. Use of the BVI rooms and facilities is restricted to the dates, times and purposes as stated on the Booking Form. This must include any period for setting up and clearing away of materials, equipment, including chairs and tables, and removal of all waste to the bins provided.


14. A booking agreement does not confer any right of occupancy outside the agreed booking times.


15. The premises must not be used for any purpose other than that described on the Booking Form.


16. The premises must not be sub-hired or the premises allowed to be used in any unlawful way or unsuitable purpose,


17.Insurance and Indemnity. The Hirer shall indemnify Bamford Village Institute Trustees, its management committee, employees, associates and agents against the cost of any repair or damage caused to property, services or persons arising from hire of the premises. Hirers should consider taking out their own insurance to cover their use of the BVI and to cover their group members as a result of hiring these premises.


18. Commercial groups who hire the hall must have their own insurance cover and ensure that this provides appropriate cover for their needs including possessions. A copy of this or details of the policy must be provided for the Management Committee on requested.


19. Hirers of the Institute shall ensure the minimum of noise and disturbance is made on arrival, during the use of the BVI, and when leaving. Every consideration must be given to residents in the area and other users of the BVI.


20. Hirers must not to do anything or bring on to the premises anything which might endanger the premises or its users or render invalid any insurance policies covering the premises nor allow the consumption of alcohol or showing of films or allowing public performance without written permission from the Management Committee.Parking


21. Parking is limited at the Institute and is permitted only during the period of hire as detailed on the booking form.Cancellation


22. The Management Committee of Bamford Village Institute reserves the Right to Cancel any booking by written notice, including email or text, if they become aware of intended use of the Institute which is in breach of these conditions.


23. Cancellation by Hirers must be made in writing - email or text can be accepted. Refund of advanced booking fees will be made if the cancellation is made 7 days before the date of hire, or if a suitable replacement booking can be made for the same facilities.


24. Changes to Terms and Conditions. The BVI Management Committee reserve the right to alert and add to the above conditions of use as deemed necessary.

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